"Apa Lagi Cina Mau?", Cina ini mau:
You gotta laugh, isn't it? If it was all so tragic to begin with, that is... Needless to say, the fallout of the 13th General Election continues in many permutations - ironically, many pro-BNers are very bitter about "winning" while PR has been rather politically astute in quickly catching on the mood to continue drumming up support through rallies and such - which I think is a waste of time but you know, it's all just political drama.... I was quite taken aback by the very acrimonious racial rants by those aligned to the BN government, so much so that I had to unfriend an old schoolmate (was never close to him anyway) when he was spouting a lot, really a lot, of very offensive anti-Chinese things on his Facebook. I'd rather not have to see that, thank you - I have very close Malay friends and I am not what he paints all Chinese to be in his postings. But no point in confronting, why exacerbate matters? Dia nak bodoh macam tu, biarlah - maybe he needs to get i...