The Eternal Gripe: House Prices, or "Get over it!"
Latest op-eds like "60% of Penangites cannot afford to buy houses" and the perennial favourite "Graduates cannot afford properties" really get my goat. Seriously. Am so fed up with all the whining the newspapers do about this issue. Fed. Up. Frankly, why we are even using a fresh graduate salary as a benchmark for purchasing property? They shouldn't be buying one fresh out of university anyway. If you just started work - this is what you should be doing: Rent a room, not an apartment - A ROOM. Save money. Build up your savings. Build some more savings. Depending on your job location, you may need to buy your own transport - either a bike or a small car. Keep it cheap first, OR get a second hand car (make sure you ask around for a reliable mechanic!) Buy an apartment or a flat first. Don't buy a new property, buy one that suits your needs and your budget and is in a high demand location for rental - this usually means high density but with c...