Bennington Residence, Setapak

Yet another "stumbled upon" development last weekend after going to the morning market & breakfast. Went in to have a look and spent quite a lot of time there because it seemed like quite an interesting project. Executive summary (tl:dr version upfront) - I reckon it is a Good Deal . BUY for own stay, it will be a nice place to live. Buy to flip also can. Rental may be so-so, this place looks like it will be an owner-occupied type of condo. So here are the reasons why I quite like it: Price wise - not bad, works out to be about RM600 per square foot Option of a dual key unit AND if you want, you can convert it to a single with more combined square footage Huge sports centre as part of the deal for the land - the developer has to build it for DBKL, so there is that whole "healthy lifestyle" thing going for it Facilities are extensive - sales lady kept going on and on about it, I was like, yeah yeah - we've lived in fairly high end condos before ba...