Can you find affordable property in KL any more? And other ramblings
Well, that depends on your definition of "affordable" coupled with "liveable", isn't it? You can still get flats and apartment units for about 120k or 150k.. that means you need about RM500 to RM600 per month for repayment. At that price point, you *could* possibly get a 95% or 100% loan - usually from Islamic financing - especially from Bank Islam, Bank Rakyat and so on. So you hardly need any money down. Of course, you still need SOME money but if you're really serious about it then surely you can save it up? During my first job, many many years ago, my starting pay was RM1,700 (very decent already considering most of my peers were getting RM1,200) and I was staying with family - so my expenses were not very high, just transport and lunch - I managed to save up 3,000 in a few months. My only indulgence at the time was to get a couple of CDs a month - back then at RM40 each, expensive O! My bus fare per day was 50 sen minibus PJ to KL, then another ...