
Showing posts from 2017

My early steps into share trading

I've rarely dabbled in stocks - mainly the ones I buy are for dividend yields and they are basically REITs which give a return of 6% per annum After reading the "One Minute Millionaire" mentioned in my previous post, I ventured into trying out the strategy in the book. And I went and made a mistake some more! Haiyo! hahahaha Anyway, maybe it is beginners' luck but based on the formula given - the stock I selected did make a 25% profit. However, it took about a month for the price to float up to the expected level. Overall, not too bad and I only invested a small sum. So I will continue on in this and get more experience. Then can grow wealth more aggressively through this channel.

"The 10 Minute Millionaire" by D.R. Barton Jr. - book review

I came across this book and bought it to read. I am a total newbie when it comes to the stock markets and have been burnt by mutual funds before. I must admit that I'm good at saving money and have had some luck in properties but that's all. So this book promises a way to make money from the stock markets. NO, I will not reveal any spoilers here, you should buy it yourself if you want to know. I don't earn any commission or anything - this is just a review. Anyway, it's a long read .. relatively light and one can get through it quite quickly if you are a fast reader. He does love to talk about baseball and American history, especially the revolution. Very "down home" type of all-American style in his way of writing. I found these parts a bit dreary but then again, he IS writing mainly for his own market, so it can't really hold the attention of international readers. Anyway, after ploughing through all that, it boils down to his recommended sys...

MM Residency in Taman Melawati (chinese edition)

在Taman Melawati的旧世纪天堂乡村俱乐部(最近被称为KK俱乐部)的网站上的一个新发展。 我今天早晨开车过的时候注意到了。 我没有在这个地区一段时间 - 所以自然地,我检查了他们的网站。 这种发展的设计和概念是相当有趣的 - 它们的尺寸范围从450平方英尺到2,000平方英尺 - 10种不同的布局。 我对布局设计感兴趣的是有双工选项/迭代 - 即450平方英尺的工作室是基本单元,那么你将有一个双工设计,遵循工作室布局,但是加倍。 这是我的个人偏见,我喜欢双工,因为它给你的感觉就像你住在一所房子里。 平面图显示,客厅天花板的双层高度将翻倍;从而在马来西亚标准的1层公寓单位中创造出一种非常宽敞的感觉。 价格从RM684每平方英尺开始 - 这不便宜。 位置方面 - 我认为只有居住在这里的人才会对此感到欣慰,我认为这将吸引长时间的梅拉华蒂,王萨玛尤和安邦居民的居民。 这是一个很好的,安静的位置。我相信这将对你自己的住宿有好处。 我不认为可以获得高租金回报,也不会获得大量资本收益。像我说的,如果你喜欢邻里,想要自己的住宿,如果你是一个空的家庭,想要升级或缩小到可管理的东西。 总的来说,我喜欢这个发展,正在认真考虑买入。

在马来西亚采用儿童 - Adopting in Malaysia

现在我一直在追求一个孩子的想法。然而,这可能只是一个管道梦想,因为鉴于一个人单独抚养一个孩子的现实不是能够处理能量和时间的事情。在财务上,我想我可以,但这只是冰山一角。 所以这就是一个朋友的朋友正在生孩子,单身也是。真的,他没有办法这样做。没有经济上的稳定,在这里没有家人的支持(他们住在东马来西亚,离开了一个航班),呃没有成熟,我想。虽然说是说可能还有一个孩子会强迫他一起去做他的行为。 无论如何,由于这个博客都是关于钱,我以为我会根据实际成本分解收养问题,并坚持到你的头发,我要说的是不是很愉快: 首先 - 有两种方式在这里采用:一种是通过福利部门,另一种是找到自己的宝贝。 福利部的方式是政府资助的方式,将部门将无孩子的夫妇与单身母亲或不得不放弃子女的贫困家庭联系起来。有一个漫长的等候名单,他们优先考虑已婚夫妇,虽然法律和程序确实允许单亲家长采用。父母必须经过筛选才能适应。全体董事会并按有关各方的最佳利益完成。唯一的问题是需要很长时间。排队很长,有更多的收养父母想要一个孩子,而不是有人愿意通过政府渠道放弃他们的孩子(也许害羞,保存脸等 - 我不会在这里投掷婴儿的问题!) 。 另一种方式也是合法的,但是你知道这是怎样的,一旦涉及金钱,那么所有这些都开始看起来像一个商业的婴儿购买球拍。不是一个很好的感觉,任何你切片它。所以这是怎么回事? 作为收养父母,您可以与孩子的父母(无论是未出生还是已经出生)达成私人协议,让孩子自己去做。父母必须同意,双方同意,双方当事人通过判决允许或不允许的情况下,通常情况下(6个月培育非穆斯林,并在正式领养下为穆斯林培养2年)由穆斯林父母承担的只能由其他穆斯林采用,不会繁重,有人会说)。 现在这里是粘在哪里,生物的父母通常会得到回报。它可以是一个令人信服的总和,医疗费用,有时甚至没有什么只能让他们放弃孩子,继续前进(通常是父母不想要孩子的爸爸,爸爸不要传道?)。由于福利部门的进度缓慢(我不是错误的,他们应该小心他们放在哪里,不应该这样做),私人采用“工业”的规模要大得多。并且已经有一个价格设置,看起来不太好: 范围是 - 华裔男婴(新生儿或尽可能年轻),您必须至少支付RM20,000。 这是几年前,如果涨到3万令吉,我不会感到惊讶。 在频谱的另一端,印度的女婴 - 父母会给他们的孩子RM800。 是的,先...

Residensi Setiawangsa Kaleidescope - chinese edition

即将在吉隆坡和雪兰莪边境启动一个项目! 土方工程已经持续了一段时间,展示厅可以看到几乎完成了,所以现在这个工程的名称和这个项目的名称一起要求登记。 可用的信息是开发商是Kerjaya Prospek集团 - 他们迄今已经完成了几个项目:222 Residency,288 Residency,The Shore和Veridian Cheras Idaman。 根据这个新项目的位置,我认为有更多的优点,而不是,所以我觉得很好。 风水智慧,位置很好:它背后有一座山(武吉丁),表示强大的支持,巴生河就在前面(而不是前面)。所以在前面的支持和资源的流动下,它的位置非常好。 土地的形状不是100%的理想,不是一个正方形或一个矩形。然而,这种梯形形状是幸运的,因为前面比后面宽,因此能够“接受”更多的智力。如果它被扭转了,那就是坏的。 位置的其他优点: 安静的位置,所有住宅区周围 围绕它的宽阔的道路 轻松访问DUKE,MRR2,AKLEH,如果政府将Jln 1/56连接到Jln AU5,它将连接到新的SUKE高速公路 Jln 1/56直接与DUKE相连,高速公路的入口/出口是距离3308出口不到1公里的回旋处 2-3公里半径内的设施: 锦绣国际学校 新的体育部综合体育馆与奥运大型泳池,赛马场等(以最低收费向公众开放) 2永旺永旺(Setiawangsa&Wangsa Maju旧家具),有冷藏的王莎步行商场 上述购物中心有2座电影院。银行,商店等。 这个位置的缺点:  远离公共交通工具距离Sri Rampai或Setiawangsa轻轨站相当遥远  有一条巴士路线,但我没有看到任何附近的公车站,不知道LRT班车是否来了 。 有一些非法而又成熟的摊位正在迂回交通枢纽的低价单位服务,导致早晚壅塞!非常讨厌,真的,但是一个人必须深吸一口气,并学会与之相处。 安静和住宅也意味着你必须赶走任何东西 - 步行距离内没有商店或餐馆 - 除了上述的非法摊位!大声笑 所以让我们等待更多关于定价,项目设计,设计和融资方案的细节。 基于位置的初步评估是,这将是一个自己留住的地方,我不能想象这是租客很受欢迎,虽然你可以*仍然可以租出来。 我猜想会吸引年轻夫妇或家庭,他们是在AU / Keramat ...

Valuation Department Property Seminar

I attended this seminar held by the Valuation Department and some interesting data was presented as well as points debated. In a nutshell, there is still a large amount of new properties being planned, approved and constructed. In fact, the housing stock will increase significantly. Developers are realising that the kind of pricing that they have been charging is unsustainable and banks are increasing reluctant to fund such prices. What was not discussed with income levels, however - because that is the key to housing affordability. However, I guess it depends on one's philosophy on the economy. On one hand, the government should 'help' (which it does but there are obvious constraints) and on the other, in a free market / capitalist economy as ours, we really have to rely on ourselves i.e. to work and save the money for the house deposit and have the proper paperwork to support your loan application OR make enough money to buy it in cash! Anyway, the upshot is -...

1st post of 2017 and it's March!

It's been 2 months since my last post. Honestly, I did have some activity around properties but I didn't feel like writing about it. Can't even remember the name of that project now.. anyway, it is in Wangsa Maju and it is a decent deal but meh... somehow it got me excited then the sales tactics quickly left me COLD. So I didn't bother. ANYWAY.. so what's new is that I'm in a relationship now, in love and feeling happy. Wonder if that has anything to do with me not posting anything lately, LOL!! So on the money front - updates thus far: Bonus - quite decent, about the same as last year - think it is slightly up by a few thousand. All in all, am very grateful for it. Increment - I had a bad initial reaction to it, and I admit it was unjustifiable on my part because the increment was generous, except that the bulk of it came from the car allowance and not basic. It seems petty, I suppose - why not just make it as basic? Ah well, they still pay EPF on th...