Malaysia a high income country? Part 2
Bank Negara has been pushing for greater use of electronic money. I recall back in the day that BNM was trying to get the banks to push more debit card usage and the banks did try, believe me. There are a lot of advantages to going cash-less - especially in Malaysia, because honestly, I think there is a lot (A LOT) of physical cash moving around in the underground sector of loan sharks, drugs, prostitution and all manner of legit businesses acting as a frontage. Using electronic money saves on physical cash management which is a PAIN (for banks lah), provides better monitoring and better record keeping - if you have nothing to hide, that is! So why didn't debit card usage take off, especially with BNM breathing down the necks of all the banks? A few reasons: The majority of M'sians are actually living hand-to-mouth, there's practically nothing left in their savings account the day after pay-day. It's all been taken out to pay off debts / rent and buying groce...