Feng Shui wealth tip #2
"100 birds in the South" symbolises many opportunities coming your way. Why so? Let's break it down:
- South = represented by the Phoenix, Queen of the Birds
- 100 = shorthand for 'lots'
- Element of the South = fire (luck that comes from fame, being known - not necessarily being a celebrity but being known in your field of work, thus opportunities will 'fly' to you, see?)
- So, displaying an image of 100 birds will activate this kind of luck for you.
Ok, I'll admit, it is all quite tied up with Chinese culture but at the crux of it all, I think it is a form of neuro-linguistic programming that has developed over thousands of years so people think it's mumbo-jumbo. But it's not.
Anyway, instead of spending a lot of money [that you DO have ;) but don't want to use] on buying a display piece that might be too chinois for your current home décor - here's what I did:
- Found a beautiful National Geographic poster on bird migrations just lying around at home
- Had the poster nicely mounted professionally, cost a fraction of what I would have paid if I were to buy something similar from the Feng Shui shop
- Placed in the south part of my living room
- Gaze lovingly at it everyday :)
Voilà! Watch the opportunities for many many things fly into your life - just make sure you are mentally open to receiving it :)