GE13: My thoughts
I want to approach this in a fair and unemotional (as much as possible) manner: On BN - I think it is time you had a short spell on the Opposition Bench. Maybe 5 years, max 10 years. You need a shake-up to get rid of the opportunists, leeches and sycophants hanging around you. The only way to do that is to cut off the money supply. Fix yourselves, show your true passion for serving the people and I am sure you can get back your position to govern within the next couple of elections. On PR - I think it is time to give you a chance in government, it is a leap of faith I must say as there are many, MANY reservations I have about you - PAS likely to try imposing moral policing and other no-value-add type of policies, PKR not being able to keep it together with internal factions and their UMNO-culture baggage and DAP, oh DAP... if it is true about the Christian evangelists being in the top leadership then it is going to be like South Korea's Lee Myeongbak's admnistration of a mi...