Extreme Cheapskates

OMG... stumbled across another TLC 'gem': "Extreme Cheapskates"! LOL

I know, I know, it's IS extreme after all but really, it's crazy, where do they find these people??

At first, I thought that you could get some innovative tips on saving money but seriously, I AM NOT going dumpster diving to get furniture and thrown-out food that one lady referred to as "gold" (for her compost heap, I hope.. oh please, let it mean for her compost heap!).

After a couple of episodes, all I can say is:

Stop. Don't. Please. Just stop. Stop. It.

Seriously? You can't get rich being cheap, honey.

Money is energy, it must flow. It's like the Force, it moves around us and through us. If you project an aura of cheapskate-ness; then the money energy that you attract is going to just a little bit only - because what you're telling the Universe is "this is all I need and can handle".

Penny-pinching will only lead to you accumulating pennies.

[One may argue that Warren Buffet leads a modest life and is not extravagant in his tastes. True. However, is he stingy with paying his staff? Does he pay fair value for stocks and companies he believes in? No and Yes, correct? So is he a cheapskate? Don't think so.. that's why he's rich - he spends money on matters that make him money i.e. he knows how to direct the money energy in ways that he wants and on a huge scale. Note: Huge Scale. Not by penny pinching and coupons]

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