5 Kinds of Wealth
This is more like a "note to self" kind of posting.. it's from something someone said on Oprah, can't remember who (he did seem a bit supercilious) but what I remember was that he said in order to be considered truly 'wealthy' and thus happy in one's life - one should have a BALANCE of these 5 kinds of 'wealth':
So how do you match up against all this?
For myself - emotional wealth is a bit on the low side, tend to be a loner although have good friends and close to my family. But no other half, as I find it tough to maintain relationships, find them too suffocating. Need my space. It is in my chart, fortune teller told me I have 2 lonely stars afflicting me. She didn't say how to overcome them though... hmm..
- Material
- Intellectual
- Physical
- Emotional
- Spiritual
So lets break it down:
Material wealth - the most obvious one, of course, money & possessions etc. I would include a steady or assured income because there's nothing more stressful (to me) about not knowing whether you're going to get any income. Of course, some entrepreneurs may thrive on such an adrenaline rush, but not me, thank you.
Intellectual wealth - I believe it means more than just education or qualifications. It should also include the thirst for knowledge and having the ACCESS to knowledge that makes one truly wealthy. Not surprising that even in developed countries, you will find that the good public libraries are in the rich areas - even their suburban community libraries are superior to some developing countries' national libraries!
Physical wealth - would denote being healthy, getting good nutrition and like intellectual wealth; having access (through your material wealth) to health care and nutrition is also very important.
Emotional wealth - would denote relationships, and not just by being IN a relationship, it should cover having good relations with your family, friends, colleagues and so on. What's the point in being super rich but having animosity all around you? On the flip side, you can have a so-called happy family life but no money, that is also one kind of misery. It's all about the balance, right?
Finally, spiritual wealth - this is more than just professing a religion but having any form of faith / belief system is healthy. Only, keep it in moderation, thanks. I believe truly spiritually wealth people are kind, compassionate, generous, non-judgemental (!) and are just good to be around. Don't be fooled by people who seem very religious but actually have lots of prejudices and ego - they are spiritually poor.
So if you do yourself a score chart or a 5-spoke graph, then the ideal shape should be a pentagon, right? Means you're scoring high on all aspects and if you do, then congratulations, you've MADE IT. You need not be a millionaire but you are Truly Rich if you can have a good balance of all FIVE kinds of Wealth :)
So how do you match up against all this?
For myself - emotional wealth is a bit on the low side, tend to be a loner although have good friends and close to my family. But no other half, as I find it tough to maintain relationships, find them too suffocating. Need my space. It is in my chart, fortune teller told me I have 2 lonely stars afflicting me. She didn't say how to overcome them though... hmm..