The Rally: Perhimpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat

I didn't go this time around. I did go for Bersih and got teargassed (thanks, at least I got back some of my tax dollars back).

The pro-UMNO blogs are, of course, belittling this latest public protest - not surprised, if I were in their shoes, I'd probably do the same.

Nonetheless, the crowd looked substantial enough and after the speeches, it ended peacefully.

I'm expecting the mainstream media to downplay this again and emphasise that it was a "small" turnout, implying that support for the opposition has waned. Also they are pointing out that there are lesser Chinese out this time..

Well, in the face of the recent news about PAS's heavy handed ways in Kelantan, one may think so. However, surprisingly, the head economist of Bank Islam went on record at a conference in Singapore a few days ago saying that he expects BN to lose (well, he said PR would win but potato potatoe, you know) by a small margin.

So does a relatively small turnout mean lesser support now?

I'd say the answer is No.

Reason being, this being mid-January, it's all about back to school, back to work and so on. Also, it is coming close to Chinese New Year - the mood is one of anticipation, not anger. Back in April last year, the energy was very different - it was the culmination of many years of frustration felt by everyone on rising prices, crime, corruption and just everyday uncivil behaviour. BERSIH was the manifestation of all that and once Malaysians have shown their displeasure, we settle down into a mode of "OK, I've told you, now I'm just going to wait for the election and vote you out"

No need to go out again, the ones who did attend today's HPR - kudos to you - I would say they are just more passionate about it, but that does not mean that those who did NOT go are not as passionate, we just don't need to show it again. We're just waiting for the right time to do the final action at the ballot box.

Yes, people ARE worried about PAS, will it try to impose a very puritanical, fanatical version of Islam? We hope not but if PAS is committed to change through democratic means, then they can be voted out before they overstep boundaries. Change is always scary but we cannot be doing the same thing and expect new results at the rate the world is changing around us.

On a personal level, I'm waiting to see who the candidates are in my constituency. Not everyone in BN is bad and not everyone in PKR is good, just keep that in mind. So the choice will boil down to the local level. That's really all one can do against all the gerrymandering and other tactics.

We're all just waiting for the election date, rally or no rally, most people's minds are made up.


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